Building an infrastructure for success  


GMG has spent over 30 years designing and creating solutions for commercial print providers. GMG has the experience to automate and optimize business production workflows, creating a process infrastructure that supports and solves:

  • The challenges of just in time delivery
  •  Integrated client support services
  •  Global competitive price pressure

A Pacific Rim based commercial print provider engaged GMG Consulting looking to automate and optimize their book production workflows. GMG identified production inefficiencies and addressed them by re-engineering their production operations using industry leading technologies and strategies. After a highly successful implementation, the company is now in a great position to maximize profits and increase growth. This allowed them to support the current market demands, prepare for future changes, and broaden their service offerings. GMG Consulting was able to address:

  • Gaps in job ticketing and automated workflows
  • Further transition from Offset to Digital production
  • Increase productivity, shorten cycle time, and reduce waste
  • Develop cost-effective print-on-demand services
  • Delivery of end-to-end publishing solutions to clients
  • Increase process connectivity and responsiveness to clients
  • And, for clients in a position to take advantage of system integration, create a much tighter relationship between plant, customer, and processes
  • Reduce production labor costs: Allowing reallocation of existing staff to address ‘exception handling’ and growth areas
  •  Brought the company closer to its goal of a ‘lights out’ production facility

The capital outlay on projects like this is minimal. Clients should achieve quick (often within only a few months) return on their investment. The implementation was designed to have relatively low impact on current production and shows incremental benefits as it progresses.